There is healing for you. And you don't have to do it alone.


Are you struggling to handle the emotions & everything else that comes along with a miscarriage? 


Are you asking yourself "Why did this happen to me?"


Are you feeling alone & like you're going through this all by yourself, even though you may be surrounded by people?

I'm so sorry your heart is breaking right now. I am here for you. You are not alone.

Get all the tools & support you need through every step of your loss.

You know that deep down, this journey can't be all for nothing. You know that this baby holds a special place in your heart and always will. You know that you will get through this, you just don't know how. That's why I'm here. To guide you through every single step of the way.


Did this really happen to me?


How am I going to tell people?


How do I talk to my partner about what I'm going through? 


How can I be understanding of the emotions around loss that my partner is feeling too?


Mamas After Miscarriage is a 6 module course that is designed to be the support you need.

This self-paced course was created for you to work at your own pace when you are ready.

Mamas After Miscarriage will provide:

  • Clarity, education & hope so that you don't fall into a spiral of negativity and self-doubt. 
  • Support through your new self-love and healing journey so you can get exactly the outcome you want - your rainbow baby. 
  • Tools to unlock the happiness you're struggling to find during this hard time.

Finding joy & closure can literally change your life and doesn't mean you forget the love and hope you have in your heart for your baby. 

Mamas After Miscarriage

Only $97

  • Learn exactly what's going on in your body & the next steps to take for you personally
  • Learn how to communicate with your spouse & others about the loss
  • Commemorate the life of your baby in a special way so that you can create a positive memory out of something negative
  • Allow me to be your cheerleader through the whole process
  • Heal your body and your heart
  • Experience joy, peace and hope for your future


($397 value)

Take as much time as you need to learn, implement and heal. Mamas After Miscarriage will always be here for you to go through on your own terms and refer back to if you need it!


($97 value)

Each member gets a free 20 minute 1:1 call with Elizabeth at any time during the first 30 days. Schedule your call right when you sign up or wait until you're done going through the material. That is up to you and your needs!


($49/mo value)

Join our supportive Facebook group for members only. Get support from us directly, our team & a community of women who know what you're going through.

Total Value: $543

All this for only $97


Patricia, SC

I contacted Elizabeth a few days after losing my 4th baby. I finally got the courage to ask for help and I wish more than anything I would have done it sooner.
She was a lifeline to me when I was so desperate to find someone or something to help me. I felt like I was broken and she helped me to realize that I wasn’t and that I became whole again. I highly recommend anyone who is experiencing loss or has in the past but has not processed it that they work with Elizabeth.

Caitlin, SD

Elizabeth made me realize that it’s okay for me to grieve for my babies when I need to but it also helped me find the courage and strength to pick myself up and move forward. She could describe my exact feelings and pain that I was having based on her own experience and this was such a wonderful moment for me to know I was not alone.

Christina, TX

I was at a low that I didn’t even think was possible when a friend of mine referred me to Elizabeth, I didn’t really even know what to say to her when we first met and she comforted me even in the silence and then we cried together - she was a perfect stranger, I knew she “got me” from that moment. I knew that she was the help I needed to heal my heart. 

Linny, CA

Elizabeth has been an angel in my life. It is because of her that I FINALLY found a doctor that I'm happy with. She's held my hand through my journey, always knows what to say, and never forgets to check on me.
Everyone experiencing loss or infertility needs someone like Elizabeth by their side. Support like hers makes such a big difference.

Helen, Bristol, UK

When I first spoke to Elizabeth on our first call I was stunned on how much I could relate to her. She understood exactly how I felt and she helped me get though my first 12 weeks until I felt like I could actually breathe…I could not have survived without her because she helped me so much with my anxiety and fear and held the space for me to feel joy when I couldn’t do it myself and I will forever be grateful for that.

Hello, I'm Elizabeth!

I will never forget what I was watching that night when I got up to go to the bathroom and noticed a nickel size amount of red blood. I immediately called my doctors office at around 9pm. He called me back and said that I could come in at 7am the next day to do an ultrasound to check that everything was ok. His voice really didn't sound too concerned and now I realize he probably goes through this all the time that it was just another day in the office for him...for me my life was about to change forever.


There was no longer any heartbeat...I felt like I was kicked in the stomach. I really was in shock and I had no words expect, "Please God, no" kept repeating out of my mouth as if it was a chant and I had zero control of what I was saying.


The feelings and events that I had the next few days shaped who I am now and my yearning to support other couples experiencing miscarriage and loss. I know you're experiencing your own version of this story right now & I want you to know that I'm here for you.

Are you ready to experience the peace, freedom, re-invigorated hope that something beautiful is waiting for you on the other side of this experience?